15 thousand of the 35 thousand doses assigned for people from 40 to 49 years of age, pregnant women and stragglers in the port were left over.
The covid-19 vaccination days resumed today. The vaccine will be applied until Wednesday at the two sites, La Lija and the Naval Hospital, resuming the application of the first dose as of this Monday. The decision was made during four consecutive days last week when only 20 thousand people received the vaccine, which represents 57 percent of the 35 thousand vaccines destined to this municipality, this of the AstraZeneca vaccine. And of the 400 Sinovac vaccines destined for pregnant women over 18 years of age and with a gestation period of more than 9 weeks, 40 percent of these would have been left over, with 160 of the 400 vaccines assigned.
With these vaccines that were not applied, the State Vaccination Committee, this weekend in a session on the progress of the national vaccination strategy against covid-19 in Jalisco, analyzed what would be done with the surplus Biologicals in Puerto Vallarta and although other alternatives were considered, it was finally determined that the campaign would be extended in this municipality until next Wednesday June 16th. To go to the vaccination modules it is required to have the registration of the federal platform mivacuna.salud.gob.mx and to bring the printed vaccination record, besides being part of the aforementioned age groups from 40 to 49 and over 50 and 60 years old, as well as pregnant women over nine weeks pregnant, or to bring the printed CURP, an official ID and proof of address. The Naval Hospital is receiving North Americans and Americans who wish to be vaccinated here in Puerto Vallarta.