Real Japanese sushi is now close to you in Puerto Vallarta
Katana is a restaurant with a 100 percent Japanese concept, in which all the dishes are prepared with the original recipe and with fresh ingredients and high quality, fully respecting the Japanese tradition.
The seafood is selected carefully under a high quality control, to be sure that they preserve the fresh, natural, original and authentic flavor before being cooked.
The sushi that Katana restaurant offers retains a touch of Mexican flavor, but Japanese flavor predominates, and is prepared at the moment with imported ingredients to offer the original flavor.
Katana has one of the most recognized mixologists in Puerto Vallarta and is responsible for each drink or cocktail, has a different flavor, original and special to make contact with the palate.
When tasting these cocktails, you will experience different sensations, for which you will notice that it is really a different creative and Japanese haute cuisine concept.
The atmosphere offered by the place is very nice, very chic, and the decoration of paintings presents a very original style.
Definitely the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta needed a place like this, really genuine, with 100 percent Japanese food and high quality.
This new option will contribute significantly to the growth of the region's restaurant industry. Currently Katana is among the first places on the list of tripadvisor with excellent comments that have come to position as the best in its class, always highlighting the quality.
In the menu you will find endless dishes such as the specialty of sushi and a variety of cocktails that you will love.
We invite you to know this new option in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta.
Welcome to JapanTown in Vallarta!
Modern & authentic Japanese inspired cuisine & sushi in Downtown Vallarta .
Extensive sake, wine & a SUPERB cocktail list.
The Chef and mixologist are known for their style, taste, imagination and craftsmanship.
Open for lunch, dinner, and late-night bar.
Home delivery available
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