Whoever causes ecocide crime will be punished from three to ten years in prison
With the vote in favor of 36 legislators, an amendment to the State Criminal Code was approved to include the crime of ecocide, which will be punishable by three to ten years in prison. According to what was approved, this crime will be committed by anyone who causes damage or destruction of one or more ecosystems in a given territory.
The coordinator of the PAN fraction, Claudia Murguía Torres, author of the reform, explained that it will be considered ecocide if the damage covers at least ten hectares, it is classified as lasting damage when the affectation and its impacts last at least a period of four months, and serious damage when the alteration puts people's health at risk or generates irreparable affectation to natural resources.
"An article is added to typify ecocide, which is currently typified in only two States of the Republic. In the legislation there are already environmental crimes whose penalties did not go beyond eight years; with this reform the penalty goes up to ten years," she said.
The legislator added that the maximum fine amounts to four million pesos, with the specification that the proceeds will be used to repair environmental damage. There are also sanctions for public servants who by action or omission allow this type of conduct.
The PAN member gave as an example of "ecocide" the damages registered in the southern region of the State where, she said, in the last few years, the agricultural vocation was changed and avocado cultivation was introduced.
She made reference to the statements made by the residents of San Gabriel who attributed to illegal logging the avalanche and overflowing of the river that affected the municipality in